Author Archive

C.V. Services
Posted on: Thursday February 3rd, 2022

Are you hoping to land your first job after school or hoping to regain the workforce after being unemployed?  Well, the Fingal Centre can help. First impressions count and for many future employers your C.V. will be their first impression of you.

The jobs market is competitive, with a single advertised position maybe getting 10’s or even 100’s of applications from would be employees. Therefore it is important  to make yourself stand out from the crowd and a well crafted C.V. can help you do just that.

A good C.V. should highlight strong keywords, show off your skills and abilities and let your future employer know how suitable you are for the position and how much of an asset you will be to their company.

Building such a C.V. can be a daunting task to many. They want to present their experiences and skills in a manner that will stand out and get them that all important interview or job.

If you are struggling to write such a C.V. then we can help.

Our team of professional C.V. writers can help guide you through the process, create the perfect layout to show off your experience, skills and education, in a way that will catch the eye of  any future employer.

We will help you craft that perfect C.V. for that perfect job.

In 2019 the centre provided 534 C.Vs to members of the community. Just look at what some of them said about our services.

Thanks to all the staff I got the job as ‘Order Picker’ in Kilcock.

Helping me with my C.V. really worked” By Patrick Ashe

I was successful in obtaining a job interview and

I want to thank the Finglas Centre for the help the staff provided me” By Catherine O’Driscoll


As well as helping you prepare a C.V the centre can also help with mock interviews and provide a daily update of all available vacancies.

Posted on: Thursday February 3rd, 2022

Voyages Programme

The Voyages Programme has been running since 2004. This programme is funded through the Local Drug Task Force. Voyages is a high support training and educational programme for adults engaged in recovery from drug addiction. It is run on a part time basis over 16 weeks. The course provides participants with computer skills (QQI Level 4) and introduces them to a wide variety of local services. During the programme an addiction awareness module is delivered, as is one to one support and mentoring work. This programme is run in the centre.

For additional information contact:
Tom Bissett Phone: 01 8845228 Mobile: 0852761114
Voyages is funded by the Finglas/Cabra Local Drug and alcohol Task Force

Tunin In/Back Up Family Support Programme

This programme was set up and designed to improve the quality of life for families. The programme offers a forum for parents to support each other and to begin to understand difficult teenage behaviour and family conflict. It also teaches parents to be more drug and alcohol aware. It brings parents and their teenagers together in a stress free environment where they can communicate better. The programme takes place in the centre.

Training Room
Family Room
One on One

Information Services
Posted on: Thursday February 3rd, 2022

We at the Finglas Centre are committed to helping and supporting the local community. One of our key pillars of providing this support is our Information Service. If you require assistance regarding issues like social welfare, tax or your rights we are here to help you.

If you need forms printed off or help filling them in, then please reach out to us. Our team of dedicated information officers are available daily to help. The service is free and there is no need to book in advance. Just call into our centre and speak in confidence with one of our supporting officers.

As well as providing information the Finglas Centre also provides a number of small computer related services for a small cost including printing, scanning and photocopying. If you wish to inquire about any of this service or anything else, then please call us on: 01 8845228   

In 2019 1.610 members of the community availed of this service. These are just some of their Testimonies:

“The staff were a great help assisting me with form filling out. Thanks all” By T.Lee

“Called in for photocopying found the staff very helpful, friendly and have an excellent attitude. Thanks a million”

by Aine Casey O’Brien

Posted on: Tuesday October 13th, 2020

The Finglas Centre is delighted to announce that the Voyages Programme has restarted. We are now in week 5 with participants availing of QQI level 4 computers on Tuesdays and Parents Under Pressure (PUP) on Wednesdays.

During the month of September the programme celebrated Recovery month, in which each participant created a piece of art which expressed what recovery meant to them.

The Finglas Centre are continuing to support its participants during this uncertain time, while adhering to all COVID – 19 Government guidelines.

If you need support during this difficult time please contact us at the Finglas Centre.

The Finglas Centre,
5 Cardiffsbridge Road, Finglas
Phone 01-8845228

World Kidney Day
Posted on: Thursday March 12th, 2020

World Kidney Day is a global health awareness campaign focusing on the importance of the kidneys and reducing the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide. World Kidney Day is observed annually on the 2nd Thursday in March. For more information click link below

Posted on: Thursday March 5th, 2020

The 5th of March is World Book Day Ireland for more information click link below

International Women’s Day
Posted on: Thursday February 27th, 2020
Voyages for Parents
Posted on: Friday October 11th, 2019

The Finglas Centre is now recruiting for the 2020 Voyages for Parents Educational Programme.

For further Information Contact Michelle Slevin. Mobile: 0852761114 or Land line 018845228

Plans for new Church of Annunciation in Finglas West
Posted on: Thursday October 10th, 2019
Posted on: Wednesday October 9th, 2019

6 months after its unveiling our memorial dedicated to “the people of Finglas West who have gone before us” has started to bloom. This memorial has become a reflective space for anyone who has lost someone. Why not take a moment to reflect when you’re next passing this way.